Wednesday, February 27, 2013


This one is for you all who like to play a villain (and it's one of my favorite shows! :D )

Show: Detective Conan
Character: Vermouth (Belmont)
Genre: Evil? Is that a genre?
Setting: Writing an e-mail to fellow Black Organization member Gin about Sherry (an ex-scientist for the organization) on her hatred of her. >:D

Can you please tell me Gin, do you believe in Heaven? You may say coldly "It's not like you to be so silly." Please find the answer, untill we exchange our glasses filled with rotten Sherry... I can't wait. XXX (Kiss). Well, "x" means a kiss. It's a feminine expression of affection, but it could be also... a sign of hatred. Sure, X also means a target... when the silver arrow is shot. 7... 8...9...10 ready or not- it's set- here I come after you. I see you... you've been found. Evil laugh.


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